Just how harmful is a little white lie? In The Lost Ruby Adolphus von Wildberg learns that even the smallest of lies can hurt those we love more than we know.
In this story Adolphus is given charge of his uncle's most precious jewels and trinkets, including his cross of honor embedded with a brilliant ruby in the center. The country is at war and the retired general, Marshal von Haniburg, fears the approaching enemy may plunder his possessions. Adolphus is told to hide the treasures. He an old Hubert, the forest ranger, are the only ones who know the location of the hidden treasure. Some time later, on the occasion of his birthday, Marshal von Hainburg decided to dress in full uniform and wear his cross of honor. As the cross is brought to him one look is all it takes to realize that the stone in the middle is no longer the original precious ruby. Who could have taken it and what lies have been told to cover this deed?
This story rang true for me as I realized that in our current society white lies are told as frequently as the truth and no one thinks much about ti. We don't take the time to think of those we may be harming. About the character of others we may be damaging. It was a good reminder to me that a lie is a lie no matter how small.
You can purchase your own copy of The Lost Ruby or many other character-building, biblically based stories at www.lamplighterpublishing.com
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.I Didn't Know.
9 years ago